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ATS Automobile @ Sabah #GT*800 # Hybrid Turbo

Hi Guys,

First Of all I would Like to wish the muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI. Its been a while i did not update this ATS Automobile Blog,  I ve been very busy traveling and work load is getting more. Alhamdullilah. Recently i flew to sabah to do some ECU  tuning   and Some performance upgrade over there. I work closely with one of the shops there to full fill my customers there. I believe this shop can deliver good work on the GTR with our technical/practical advise . Over there We did 2 turbo upgrade conversion with the stock internals. HKS GT800 and The Hybrid Turbo did a good job for both car. Another few cars only run with the stage 3 upgrades..I spent Countless hours on the  road for the street  TUNING  to unleash the power of the GTR.

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